2013-03-27 12:12:37 UTC
Anyway, the prickly feeling will usually last about 30 minutes more or less, and then fade away. A couple hours to a day later i'll have 1-3 big itchy red bumps on that same spot. The first 2 times it happened I was kinda like "ok, whatever then" but now its getting annoying.
I noticed it's been happening when i'm laying in bed. Not necessarily for a few hours, but sometimes after a few minutes of laying down i'll get that prickly feeling. I immediately get up and check the whole bed/pillows/covers, but I don't see any bugs and wash the sheets just in case. When it happened last night we had just washed the sheets a day ago!
I'm paranoid this is bed bugs but I've checked and I haven't seen any, I don't have any known allergies, and i'm pretty sure i'm not sick. The time these instances happen can range from a few weeks to a few months apart.
Whats wrong with me? Is this possibly bed bugs.. (or another kind perhaps)?
Additional Details
I'd also like to add that the spots where these feelings happen are covered by my clothes. I just looked up pictures of bed bug bites, and it's not like what I have. It looks like mosquito bites, but a bit bigger.