Do you really want the best answer? you may not like this answer... but i deserve BEST ANSWER!!!
The best treatment is a pill capsule called Roaccutane, it drys your skin & forces it to go away...
However, it has a 2% side affects rate, it can cause permanant hair loss in some people, not me though, i have middle eastern skin & i'm furry guy like robin williams.. so i was willing to take the risk..
i was sent by my local doctor to see a skin specialist in Burwood, Sydney, he explained the side affects, & told me that its quite safe, although this pill makes you very hungry, you need to watch your cholesterol levels every month, so the doctor needs to take blood tests once a month for the next 6 months.. i was fine with that, acne is awful so its worth it.
Roaccutane makes you tired during the day sometimes, so like other medications, i think there was a sticker saying not to operate machinery, & to not take this with lime or lemon juice fluids, also your body may flake off some skin from dryness, i think you can use creams for that, & for dry lips.. Vasseline etc..
Anyway, i ate my mothers home made cooked meals without even thinking about my cholesterol, & after my next blood test, the doctor said my levels were down & by alot.. :)
The doctor first needs to ask you questions before perscribing Roaccutane, you may also receive pamphlets & a VHS video about other patients comments & how great the product is, (but they never show the 2% that suffered the side affects, if any.)
a 6 month treatment of the Roaccutane pill, lasted me 5 years of no acne, Life is good...
After the 5 years, you start to get normal acne, 1 or 2 spots here & there, but nothing that leaves scars...
I wish someone told me about Roaccutane when i was in Highschool, because i have scars on my chest that look like Bypass heart operation scars... my face is perfect, my acne only broke out on my chest... i see many peoples facial scars, too late for them, they needed Roaccutane too..
Acne is a disease, it is not caused by oily foods or chocolate as once believed.
Anyway, mine is the best answer, your doctor agrees with me, just ask..
If you need more info, email me.. dont be afraid, just try roaccutane if your doctor says its ok for your skin tone complexion.