i have bad acne whats the best treatment?
2008-11-02 07:42:38 UTC
i am realy shamed about my face i have spots everywhere ive tried everything but nothing seems to work for me. i cover my spots in makeup to try and hide them but i no makeup isnt very good for my spots and more keep coming please give me the best cure for spots :(
best anser 10 points
36 answers:
2008-11-02 07:47:15 UTC
Just go to your doctor and they will give you a product like Accutane or something, but even better, go to a dermatolagist and they talk to you and look at your face (I mean they can face map it etc).
2014-08-13 05:58:01 UTC
You want know how to permanently Cure Your Acne/Pimple, end the breakouts, regain your natural inner balance and achieve the lasting clear skin you deserve?

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The video presentation shows you some unique and rare tips on How to Eliminate Acne and achieve perfect clear skin in as little as 7 days!

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And if you also have any Blackheads, excessive oiliness and hyperpigmentation Marks or Acne Scars, then the moves highlighted above will help remove most of these acne related symptoms while restoring your energy and vitality and dramatically improving the quality of your life.
2008-11-02 08:20:42 UTC
Do you really want the best answer? you may not like this answer... but i deserve BEST ANSWER!!!

The best treatment is a pill capsule called Roaccutane, it drys your skin & forces it to go away...

However, it has a 2% side affects rate, it can cause permanant hair loss in some people, not me though, i have middle eastern skin & i'm furry guy like robin williams.. so i was willing to take the risk..

i was sent by my local doctor to see a skin specialist in Burwood, Sydney, he explained the side affects, & told me that its quite safe, although this pill makes you very hungry, you need to watch your cholesterol levels every month, so the doctor needs to take blood tests once a month for the next 6 months.. i was fine with that, acne is awful so its worth it.

Roaccutane makes you tired during the day sometimes, so like other medications, i think there was a sticker saying not to operate machinery, & to not take this with lime or lemon juice fluids, also your body may flake off some skin from dryness, i think you can use creams for that, & for dry lips.. Vasseline etc..

Anyway, i ate my mothers home made cooked meals without even thinking about my cholesterol, & after my next blood test, the doctor said my levels were down & by alot.. :)

The doctor first needs to ask you questions before perscribing Roaccutane, you may also receive pamphlets & a VHS video about other patients comments & how great the product is, (but they never show the 2% that suffered the side affects, if any.)

a 6 month treatment of the Roaccutane pill, lasted me 5 years of no acne, Life is good...

After the 5 years, you start to get normal acne, 1 or 2 spots here & there, but nothing that leaves scars...

I wish someone told me about Roaccutane when i was in Highschool, because i have scars on my chest that look like Bypass heart operation scars... my face is perfect, my acne only broke out on my chest... i see many peoples facial scars, too late for them, they needed Roaccutane too..

Acne is a disease, it is not caused by oily foods or chocolate as once believed.

Anyway, mine is the best answer, your doctor agrees with me, just ask..

If you need more info, email me.. dont be afraid, just try roaccutane if your doctor says its ok for your skin tone complexion.
mom of 4 beauties
2008-11-02 07:47:20 UTC
I am having probs in that area too, I never had acne as a teen, and when i turned 25 BAM... I think its hormones. I just recently went on Ortho-Tri-Cyclen birth control pills. These are supposed to be best for acne.

I also just found out that dairy can trigger acne because of the hormones in it. And gluten, some ppl have unknown alergies to that causes acne also.

Green tea's antioxidants have been shown to be highly beneficial to acne prevention.

This is the site I've been reading. Good luck with it!
2014-09-24 01:05:19 UTC
Dear Acne Sufferer,

Are you struggling to get rid of acne? Are you frustrated for not being able to eliminate your acne or control your breakouts despite all your efforts? If you answered yes, then let me tell you that I know exactly how you feel, because I personally had gone through the same experience years ago. I have battled with my severe acne for more than a decade until I have finally found a cure, got rid of it permanently and helped thousands of people worldwide to achieve permanent clear skin.

You're about to discover what might be the most powerful acne system ever developed. It's the same system thousands of people, just like you, used to permanently cure their acne and achieve flawless clear skin.

My name is Mike Walden and over the past 7 years, through a long process of trial, error and experimentation, I've developed a sure-fire, 100% guaranteed, clinically researched system that is backed by 30,000+ hours of nutritional expertise for eliminating acne for good. This is a very rare, highly unique and potently powerful acne healing system, which very few people even know exists...

Acne No More™ -

The only clinically proven step-by-step holistic clear skin success system!

Mike Walden,
2008-11-02 07:48:30 UTC
ive also suffered bad acne and there are lots of ways to cure it

there is a pill called HR1 Clear Complexion from £2-£4 u can get it from Holland &Barret or tescos and some chemists. that works really well.

Garnier pure range, the washes work very well

Sudocrem mainly known as nappy cream but is also a treatment for acne.

use the creams and lotions on a rota cos ur skin gets used to certain treaments quickly so keep swapping

if it still doesnt get better go to ur gp and they can prescribe you with special creams or even antibiotics.

good luck

2008-11-02 07:49:18 UTC
well, my best friend had really bad acne, and she had alot of scars. So she went to her family doctor, and he prescribed her some medication. I forget what it was called, but she took two a day and it totally dried out her body. At first, it was really hard for her, because all (and i mean all) her body was dried out, so she had SUPER dry skin and all. But after two-three months, it wasn't as bad. She was on the pill for six months, I think. But anyways her acne is all gone now and she had super soft skin. And for the scars, she's using bio-oil. It's not the best, but her face is really starting to clear up. if you have scars, you can also go see a dermatologist and they can take care of that.

Also, I had mild acne, and I got some prescribed cream. It's not as good as the pill (i had used a different kind of pill but i had a bad reaction to it..) but it still controls the acne.

Hope I helped!!
2016-05-17 20:53:43 UTC

1/ Never, ever touch your face.

2/ Use 3 facecloths to wash your face, one to soap on, one to soap off with very hot water, one to rinse off with ice cold water, in that order, once a day.

3/ If you are under 18 take 5,000 IU of vitamin A once a day with a full meal

4/ If you are over 18 take 5,000 IU of vitamin A twice a day with a full meal.

Do not get pregnant while taking vitamin A. Do not take any more, like Accutane, it will stop you growing.

5/ Never, ever. pick, squeeze or pop your spot. Read number 1 again.

6/ Do this for 90 days.

7/ Invest in a brand new pillow and 2 new or more pillow cases to �double bag' your pillow. HOT wash every couple of days.


A bit of advice given to me as a teenager, a bit of science as I am studying allergic reactions and vitamin A is a part of that. A bit of research: I sat in a lecture at the back and watched the acne prone pick at their faces, those with the worse acne touched their faces 32 times in an hour, the clearest complexions didn't touch their faces even once. I have circumstantial evidence that acne is the result of dermatophyte transfer from hands to face...where it does not get washed off and is well fed by hormones, sweat a

nd oil...just a hypothesis... But it would explain why vitamin A is so effective as vitamin causes skin to remove dermatophytes.

The secret is never to touch the spots

Tips on how to treat acne and achieve perfect clear skin in as little as 7 days?
2008-11-02 07:49:05 UTC
well I'm not gonna have the best answer b/c I don't know much about acne myself (I don't have face is nice and smooth) anyways people say you have zits/pimples if you eat lots of sweets and sugar and greasy food which results acne and pimples. I suggest you stay away from those kinds of food and DONT cover it up with make-up. IT WONT help. Make-up actually makes it worse....

Instead, the only make-up I recommend for acne is foundation. My sister used it on her face and it worked like a charm. It barely showed any of her pimples. =) last ting. IF none of this works, the only other way out is seeing a dermatologist who may help. Good luck!
2016-11-12 01:15:54 UTC
I Have Bad Acne
2008-11-02 07:47:24 UTC
if your acne is really bad the best thing to do is see a doctor/dermatologist who can give you appropriate treatment. depending on severity you will get skin cream, anti-bacterial wash and/or a long course of antibiotics. the medications for severe acne can take a few weeks to work but are very effective.
2008-11-03 08:35:07 UTC
Acne is a bacteria that needs to be killed. Witch Hazel is also works great.. it is a little smelly, but you can use a cotton ball or wash cloth. It will tke away the oiliness. `Tea Tree Oil will kill out the bacteria or weaken it enough not to bother you. Apply it to the effected areas with a q-tip or cotton ball after you have washed.

You should get a good multivitamin(highly suggest) with vitamin a,c,e,d and zinc.. this should help tons! Eating carrots also helps.. there is beta-carotene (Vitamin A) in them which helps prevent acne and repair the skin. Take zinc, zinc is a antibacterial agent. Make sure to dink plenty of water and get good rest at night.

Azelaic Acid is a great natural acid that reduces the growth of bacteria, restores the skins cells and reduces inflammation. Try using a topical with Azelaic Acid in it.. it is safe.

Also, change/wash your pillow case and sheets every other day.

There are ways to put moisture back into your skin and heal it, such as: drinking lots of water, making sure you are eating enough fat/omega-3 oils. Lotions with mineral oil can dry out the skin, use one with out it! Emu Oil ( ) contains vitamin A and E, Sapogens ( makes skin softer), and Oleic acid (a skin cell regenerator, anti-wrinkel agent) - walgreens sells emu oil.. i would think walmart would as well.
2014-09-25 00:27:47 UTC
"I had severe acne both on my face and back and after trying countless of dermatologists’ treatment options, I'd still found myself frustrated by my debilitating acne problem. Your program did a fantastic job of showing me the right way... The holistic way! After less than a month of following your advice, most of my acne was gone. "

-Isabel Bruso, British Columbia, Canada-

"While it took little less than two months for me to really see a difference, my acne, blackheads and whole lot of other skin problems I had…such as eczema… had completely cleared! It was totally amazing..."

-Kevin Larcom, Idaho U.S.A

Discover How He's Cured Himself From Severe Acne and Taught Thousands of People Worldwide to Get The Clearest Skin They Ever Had:
2008-11-02 07:46:11 UTC
First, I would try Proactiv. It's a soap, toner, and cream that works for a lot of people. Clinique's acne treatment system is similar and really works for mine.

Many people go to a dermatologist and get a prescription for accutane, which is a large dose of vitamin A. That should really get rid of it if nothing else works!
2008-11-02 10:09:36 UTC
Most acne products only treat the symptoms and not the source. They even make your skin dry, sensitive. Prolonged use can even lead to premature aging and other health issues.

The main causes of acne is toxins build up in the body and clogged pores caused by excessive oil and deadskin cells. THese provide a fertile ground for acne to spread and thrive.

To effectively fight acne and prevent acne from coming back, you have to attack acne from inside the body as well as outside on the skin. So, look for an acne product that fights acne internally as well as externally. They should also contains natural ingredients since they're more safer to use and has less side effects.

There are also things you can do at home to get rid of acne. Take actions to detoxify your body and take care of your skin and soon, you will permanently end your acne and have clear, radiant, beautiful skin!

For the next couple of weeks, stick to the regimen below:

-Drink a glass of warm water with lemon and honey in the morning and evening

-Drink lots of water throughout the day to flush out the toxins

-Drink at least 3 cups of green tea a day - green tea contains antibacterial properties to kill the bacteria

-Try to do some exercise so you can sweat out all the toxins. Also, try to do meditation

-Eat as many apples as you can. You should buy organic apples at Wholefood. Dont buy apples at local supermarket. Supermarket apples contain pesticides that can toxify your body

-Eat oatmeal for breakfast

-Eat 2 cups of yogurt a day - yogurt boost ur immune system and contain microbiotic organisms that help your digestive system and control the acid/yeast

-Eat lots of green veggies (organic if possible)

-Stay away from coffee, sugar, carbohydrates, fatty and fried food

-Eat salmon and cantaloupe as much as possible

-Wash your face in morning and evening with gentle cleanser, use natural toner, and follow up with oil-free moisturizer

Check out for more tips and secrets on the best acne product, how to get rid of blackheads, oily skin, acne scars.
2008-11-02 23:11:50 UTC
I've tried the normal Proactiv treatment and it didn't do a thing. What worked mostly for me was either Advantage (I believe that is what it is called) sold a CVS's for $20 or Cetaphil. Cetaphil is very gentle and worked very well for me. Advantage is a lot more harsh but did wonders.

One thing about Proactiv that did work for me was the mask. Didn't clear the acne but took away all of the redness that covered my face. Worth it.
2008-11-02 07:54:03 UTC
I also had really bad acne! it is very embarrising!

My mom took me to a dermatoligist and thay prescribed DIFFREN for me. it takes about 6 weeks for it to really start working but after the six weeks your skin looks perfect! depending on how bad your acne is they may prescribe Acutane. This is a very nasty drug that can cause birth effects if you get pregnant whi'll you are on it. you have to get blood drawn every month. and if you are a girl you have to take pregnancy test avery 2 weeks!

I hope this helps!
2008-11-02 07:47:20 UTC
It depends what kind of acne you have. If it is along the T-zone like mine, doctors prescribe Retin-A Micro, which works well. I'm not sure about Pro-Activ, but my cousin uses it and it reduced the redness and size of her pimples.

I suggest get a doctors prescription, because the acne medicine they prescribe gets rid of acne very well.
Madison B
2008-11-02 08:02:52 UTC
i have acne and i used proactive and my acne was almost gone in about a month once i was out of pro active i use nitrogena wave every day and when i get a pimple i put tooth paste on the pimple right before i go to bed i know it sounds crazy but the tooth paste dries out the pimple and it pops in a bout a day and i wash off the tooth paste when i wake up in the morning
2008-11-02 07:47:02 UTC
hey..i've had acne since 8th grade. now i'm a freshmen in college and they're just going away. you've just got to get used to them and be patient for them to go away. go see a dermatologist and they'll recommend you some medication for your face. i use differin and clindamycin. my acne got pretty severe over the summer. i have never covered up my acne, i'm sure it's better not to cover it or you'll just make it worse. but that's just my opinion. seeing a derm is the best thing you can do. i wish i would have sooner. good luck :]
Chris Webb
2008-11-02 07:47:23 UTC
Well i had somewhat bad acne and i bought Pro-activ .. its a little expensive around $50 i think but it did work for me.

i had some results from things like oxy pads you can get them at rite aid or pretty much any store for about $6 i think...might helped me just not 100%.

proactiv is your best bet if you really want it gone...hope i helped.

oh and i forgot you can get something i considered i think its called blue light treatment or something i forgot but you can have it done( unsure how much it costs) but doctors use a laser or something to get rid of them all..and i hink you can do it yourself if you get the stuff....don't know to much about that but maybe you can look it up and see

Good luck.
★Mαtt★ ♥Morrisoη and Meℓinα♥
2008-11-02 08:42:58 UTC
I like clean and clear and also sea breeze

I also here that the neutrogena wave is amazing and works so good! I m gonna try and maybe u should 2!

Also drink lots of water and wash your face up to 3-5 times a day

Toothpaste may or not work!
2014-04-21 18:57:34 UTC
I used to have bad acne to and I was washing it every day and everything but then I started using zest soap and I washed it twice a day and it really cleared my face up a lot and I also use a scrub and something for blush but the scrub and the zest soap is what you really need to use
Chris I
2008-11-02 07:55:15 UTC
Acne can have many different causes. See a dermatologist who can determine which kind of acne you have and how to treat it.
aminalhaq a
2008-11-02 07:47:41 UTC

so i have pretty clear skin and the thing you have to do is go thourgh the natral approch during a week off or something or if you dont mind stop wear hevey makeup and dont cover it because it blocks the pours wash you face with a clensing soap like nutra gina or someting 3 time a day or when ver you feel oily steam you r pours stop anything oily in you r food and never ttouch your face after you wash your hads thourly if you excersise then wash face thourghly too i hope i helped
MAYA *Delusion*
2008-11-02 07:48:04 UTC

Don't use any creams are chemical products .I will tell you a natural remedy .Lime juice is a best treatment ,but don't apply pure lime on your face . Take gram flour powder and mix lemon juice ,little turmeric and honey ,mix well and apply it on your face ,you can wash it off after 30 min or one hours . and you can use cucumber juice too .
2008-11-02 07:47:24 UTC
I used to break-out and nothing would work. The only thing that ultimately worked was to go to a dermatologist. They gave me a perscription topical cream that worked wonders.
2008-11-02 07:45:56 UTC
Definitly NOT pro-active. Does not work.

Clean & Clear is good...

Any one answer mine!? I NEED help!
2008-11-02 07:47:32 UTC
well have you tried exfoliating or going to see your gp they would give you antibiotics and then it should clear don't drink to much milk because that makes them worse
2008-11-02 07:46:59 UTC
you may find this weird but me and my friend tried toothpaste.

it helps reduce it.

it really works.

we just used normal colgate ;]

it was fun we just did it at a sleepover, it kinda tingles.

goodluck, hop it helps x
2008-11-02 07:45:01 UTC
ok right now im using neutrogena pink grapefruit relly works great
Sharon L
2008-11-02 07:46:30 UTC
Your dermatologist should prescribe antibiotics.
2008-11-02 07:45:06 UTC
do not put too much chemical products in your face and dont pick them. i garentee u your akne will be gone.
2008-11-02 07:48:31 UTC
oohh... i probably have the same thing as u and maybe you can try something thats called..... AmLactin..... it would be a white bottle and has a yellow cap.... it works great for me....

answer mine..
michelle r
2008-11-04 13:55:04 UTC

try this webpage for some home remedies.
2008-11-02 07:45:47 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.