Hi Ariana,Its very much Important that to be fully healed in internal ways so that our external body will look more healthier,Fresh and Beautiful.Actually this age is Critical,its the time when our body goes with lots of ups and down :) i mean to say there are lots of hormonal Imbalance at this age.Harmones are very much active on this period and gets more in power when there is not rite nutritious eating method is thr.I will suggest please do not try lots of DIY things on ur skin,Its better u first proceed towards to achieve a healthy glowing skin first.Mainly If we cut down Oily and spicy foods, Wheat flour things i.e Noodles,spaghetti, 80 % acne is very much controlled on that time only.Eat healthy Foods like B a veggie liker and Have a sip of fruit juice daily if its possible have a Orange Juice daily,Have a lemony water to get start ur day. Rite time of sleeping and have at least 7-8 hrs sleep at nite is necessary.Drinking lots of water 4-5 litres a day very much beneficial and last but not the least Exercise add a regime which say u do 15 Min's Exercise it helps Blood circulation go in a well mode."Don't take stress too"This is much harm full then anything else.It will spoil all ur effort to achieve a acne free skin".A good skin care routine is also very necessary,do Cleansing Toning and Moisturising everyday(it must b a good brand or Herbal one),Try to use Clean & clear face washes or u can use plain water 3-4 times a day to wash ur face.Its good for acne and pimple prone skin.Mostly Avoid sun exposure :),when ever u r going out apply a good quality Sun protection moisturisers with a good SPF.Its very necessary apply this 15 Min's before stepping out .Try Aloe vera gels all over ur body and face,Its really very help full.Use Ice cuBes some times.
If u really wanna do some home remedy then do this,If u will continue following above tips with these HR then u will discover sumthing new in urself.
>>Eat yogurt, it has bacteria that help your digestive tract to function, which, in turn, allow your body to disperse nutrients more effectively. This improves both your overall health, and your acne.
>>Clean the face with normal cleanser; then rinse the skin well with warm water, then cool water.And now try this honey blemish treatment, that's really magical,Dab a bit of honey on the affected area to deep-clean the pore and draw out any bacteria. Let sit for ten to 15 minutes.Honey is great for drawing out impurities. It also contains a large amount of potassium, giving it antibacterial properties. For serious cases, try a complete facial mask of pure honey, rather than just a spot treatment.Wash out and pat Dry ur face.Apply oil free moisturiser.
These all to achieve a good skin qualities and will help u to discover a fresh, Gr8 looking skin and health too.Try it.Tc