how to get rid of my eyebag????????????
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
how to get rid of my eyebag????????????
32 answers:
2008-07-19 23:48:50 UTC
Hemorrhoid cream. I know that it sounds dumb, but trust me it works. It also helps with pimple, and wrinkles. It acts like botox , by tightening an plumping up the skin. I use it, my mom uses it, my grand mother, and great grandmother uses it.
2016-03-27 12:28:24 UTC
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If they are heavy, ask your doctor to run a thyroid test. Cold cucumber slices over the eyes for 15 minutes will help. Very warm tea bags left on until they cool will help tighten skin, reduce bags. Some people use hemorrhoid cream under the eye area to shrink bags. My doctor advised me to cut back on salt, drink plenty of fluids, you know the rest, sleep, take care of sinus problems. If you can afford it, there is always plastic surgery. :-) Dark circles are usually signs of allergies. A good Concealer as close to your skin tone as possible, applied Over foundation or under powder will hide the circles. Dab the concealer on, don't pull anything across your eyes. Make rapid dabbing motions with your finger over the concealer, spreading it from the side of your nose to your cheekbone, feathering it at the edges lightly. Never pull down on your face. Good luck.
2015-08-10 12:59:17 UTC
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how to get rid of my eyebag????????????

Can somebody give me some advice of how to get rid of my eyebag. Actually my eyebag is not really like gob/swelling like other people. It's just dark. Are ther anything i can do besides applying, surgery, and buying creams??? I just don't wanna spend some money. Please... tnx a lot.
2008-07-20 15:22:25 UTC
Some say lack of sleep causes the dark circles under the eyes. Some say it's hereditary. Cover Girl makes a concealer in a tube, & goes on under a foundation. Make sure the color of the concealer matches your skin tone, so that when a foundation is added, it will blend in nicely.
2008-07-20 15:05:42 UTC
i have an ointment i put on before i sleep its called poise international Eye cream...balh balah....ya it works or use makeup beyyotch...
deona b
2008-07-20 14:52:51 UTC
is it hereditary?
2008-07-20 13:59:46 UTC
Clean and Clear has a new moiserizer. I forgot what it is called.. but it's in an orange bottle. My sister uses it and she never gets sleep, and now she has no bags.
Lily M.
2008-07-20 11:37:48 UTC
Avoid fizzy drinks,especially carbonated water as this causes dark circles under your eyes.Here are some natural remedies,
2008-07-19 22:33:21 UTC
If you dont want to spend any money apply a warm washcloth over your eyes and lay there for a while it will help... I tried it and it helped me alot.
2008-07-20 05:14:07 UTC
Besides all the obvious things like tea bags, creams, getting enough sleep, etc., you need to find the "root cause." Most of the time this problem is due to sinus issues, even if you don't have lots of symptoms. And sinus issues are due to a liver problem. Fix the liver and this will fix your gallbladder that is most likely filled with viscous bile from the liver issue and you will see your skin, in general become vibrant. Many wrinkles are due to this problem.

The liver is typically a very abused organ and loaded with toxins. One very big issue is that as we age, we produce less and less stomach acid and this results in poor digestion that progressive gets worse as we age. In fact, at 70, we are producing about less than 5% of the stomach acid we did when we were 25. That translates into food not being digested well and basically old people are starving to death as they age. This also results in fat storage around the middle and a lot of toxic build up in the liver and digestive track. Bad oils, fried foods, etc. contribute heavily to this problem. Eating oils like Vegetable oils is very bad for you. These are very unstable oils due to their double bonds are easily oxidized (go rancid) in air and just sitting in those clear bottles at the grocery store.

There are detox regimens I recommend to clients and diet changes that can greatly affect this issue with you. Allergies are generated by substances that are in food and in some cases, you may have an allergic reaction to particular groups of foods that you are not aware of. Metabolic typing can be critical to solving this problem for you and that's an easy thing to do.

Know this, you are not sentenced to a life of health problems by choice, but you can choose to be healthy if you want to learn what to do.

good luck to you
2008-07-20 10:20:04 UTC
IF you are trying to get rid of your bags in a week or two then I think you should reconsider whether you want to NOT spend any money because advocado works but it take at least two weeks to actually see improvment while the cream from a drugstore showed improvment within a few days. If you change your mind about the money then go to a CVS, Wal-Greens, Rite-Aid or local drugstore and ask for a discoloring cream. I know i know DIS-coloring but your eye is already black looking so dis coloring with change it back to its original color. When it does don't continue to use it because then the area will change to another And I don't think you want to walk around looking like Barney by the eyes....Good Luck
2008-07-20 08:53:34 UTC
Mike---are you talking about swelling or just discoloration??? For swelling...regular hemorroid cream works great....all the models use it after a late night and early photo shoot calls!!!

Discoloration may be from lack of sleep--you make have an iron deficiency--do you take any vitamins regulary or eat liver?? Both will help.

Try placing cucumber slices or cool teabags on you eyes. Lay down and just relax for 20 min. with that on your lids.

Theres lots of lightening creams on the market--the cheapest likey thru AVON. Worth a try.

Hope this helps!!

2008-07-19 23:13:16 UTC
To bring the puffiness down you can try cold tea bag compresses or cucumber slices on the eyes. You can also try a little hemmoroid cream to tighten the tissue there. If it is dark you may need to look at your diet, darkness around the eyes sometimes indicates poor digestion. Also some people are just genetically prone to that darkness.
Mitch R
2008-07-20 03:14:34 UTC
Could be to poor drainage and need of a detox,try a light pumping action below the eyes, from inner to outer eye with your middle finger three times a day, and drink at least 10 glasses of water a day .Applying to much eye cream can also over load your pours with to much product,and stopping natural drainage.
2008-07-20 06:22:30 UTC
sleep 4 9 hours a night
Margarita G
2008-07-20 12:33:55 UTC
Actually use cold tea bags off and on through the night and if that doesn't work use cucumber slices through the night.Get as much sleep as you can.
2008-07-19 22:15:17 UTC
Use Sabila(aloe vera) as a mask every night especially around your eyes, rub the slimmy stuff of the leaf of the plant not the products you see at the stores, or just use sliced cucumbers on your eyes, but i recomend you use sabila you will see a difference In a week.
2008-07-20 08:51:07 UTC
Get lots of sleep and wear creams you may already have that contain SPF. Also wear sunglasses when your out in the sun. Try putting cucumber slices on your eyelids and relax.

I hope these directions work. =)
2008-07-20 09:15:51 UTC
Before going to sleep, take 2 metal spoons put in the fridge NOT the freezer. The next day, put the spoon under your eyes for a few minutes. (Make sure your spoon is clean.)

And do not drink water a hour before sleep.
2008-07-19 22:09:46 UTC
i have the same problem. i had allergies, and that was partially the problem. what causes the bags is either a lack of sleep or congestion in your face. i had built up pressure from my sinuses, and i had swollen tonsils; i just got them removed last week. there hasn't been any change for me yet, but i suggest u see a doctor. if it really bothers u, u should see an ear, nose, and throat specialist.
Polina H
2008-07-19 21:34:15 UTC
Sleeping at least 8 hours every day, eating healthy food- fruits and vegetables.. and make up!
2008-07-19 21:51:02 UTC
Don't use creams. Use Avocado.
2008-07-20 05:04:09 UTC
go on a detox. put cucumber over them or green tea teabags (let it sit for about 10 minutes).
2008-07-20 05:11:54 UTC
u can use a paste of sandalwood powder in cold water.apply it thick under eyes.leave it for some time.then wash it this for 6 days. u ll see difference !!!
2008-07-19 23:08:58 UTC
Try sleeping more,if that doesn't work,eat healthy.
Andy S
2008-07-19 21:23:47 UTC
you should get more sleep, if you get enough sleep and still feel tired and have the bags then you should see a doctor because it could be a medical problem
Vivien p
2008-07-20 09:30:29 UTC
i tried this once. but its not that effective.

put a cold spoon in the freezer

in the morning. press it over ur eyes.

2008-07-20 01:25:31 UTC
get enough rest and try putting slice cucumber on your eyes my mom told me it works....
Dawn M
2008-07-20 00:20:46 UTC
try creames especially for that, or try cucumber. if that doesnt work, try getting more sleep.
2008-07-20 09:30:06 UTC
if u don't want to get cream then good luck
Soccer gurl 4life<33
2008-07-20 07:02:05 UTC
you might be sleepy or you have a cold. if you put stuff on it, it migh heel
Mo L
2008-07-20 11:08:21 UTC
sleep earlier

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