2009-03-21 15:50:35 UTC
The rash is bumpy and red, and then dries and eventually clears up. It is on the sides and back of my neck, usually starting on the same spot on the sides. (Usually starts as vertical lines an inch behind my ear going down.) It is super itchy and sometimes hurts... I've tried changing shampoos, detergents, pillows, etc... Wht could be the cause of this rash? I went to the dermatologist but by the time my appointment came around my rash had cleared up. He gave me a liquid excema treatment (I have had eczema on my hands in the past which I have meds for.) It seems to work sometimes, maybe once in a while. It could just be a coincidence though?
Whatever this rash is, it is really frustrating and embarrassing. What could be causing it?